Employee Work Schedule Overview

In the Employee Work Schedule screen, the calendar displays the actual work schedule, either your own, or for supervisors, that of any selected employees. Use it when you want to request or schedule leave, or modify work schedule properties.

Refer to the legend to interpret the color coding that defines the types of days included in the work schedule.

The calendar displays in either a monthly or weekly format depending on the following:

  • The format is monthly if you are displaying one single work schedule, either your own or if you are supervisor, that of another employee. The monthly format is referred to as the single-employee view.
  • The format is weekly if you are supervisor and you are displaying the work schedules of multiple employees at the same time. The weekly format is referred to as the multiple-employee view. This format is available to supervisors only. To switch between formats, do the following:
    • In multiple-employee view, click the employee's name.
    • In single-employee view, click Multiple Employee View.

If you are using the Employee Work Schedule screen in a supervisory capacity, other distinctions between the single- and multiple-employee view include the following:

  • If you select a single approval task from MyTasks on the Desktop, the calendar displays in the single-employee view.
  • If you select a multiple approval tasks from MyTasks on the Desktop, the calendar displays in the multiple-employee view.
  • Certain functions, such as scheduling leave or viewing employee leave balances are available only in the single-employee view.